Creating a Sacred Birth Altar
August 30, 2023
Your journey through pregnancy and birth is a magickal and life-changing rite of passage.
Creating an altar to honour this momentous transformation of Maiden to Mother is a beautiful way to curate a sacred space to nurture, support, and remind you of your divine feminine power!

What is a Birth Altar?
An altar is a powerful place that is created by what you choose to place onto it. Originally a tool of religious practice, today altars are being used in many more ways than how they were traditionally used. And if you don't like the word altar, just call it your sacred birth place, or display, or whatever resonates with you.
Your altar is also a foundation for offerings of gratitude, to provide focus, and to bridge the gap between the physical and the metaphysical, as it weaves your energy together with the universe.

Creating a Birth Altar
There really aren't any rules for what you would like to include on your birth altar - anything that is meaningful to you!
Some ideas include:
- birth affirmation flags (these can be made at a Mother Blessing by your sisterhood circle)
- an image you draw strength, inspiration or peace from
- crystals
- a candle/s
- ornaments
- photographs of loved ones
- flowers or nature items
- essential oils
- notes or cards
More specifically you might like to include items that:
- items to represent the energies of the four directions - earth, air, fire, water.
- a memento of your motherline, your red thread (your mother, grandmother, great-grandmother, your daughter ...).
- something that represents your maiden self.
- a symbolic item from a challenging time in your life that you made it through (representing your inner strength and resilience).
Your altar can be as small, or as large as you would like it to be - or have space for it to be. For some women it is a bedside table top, for others it may be a windowsill, or a dedicated birth space.
If you have other children, having them help to create your altar is a special way for them to be apart of the magick of this time.

Your Postpartum Altar
Once you have birthed your beautiful baby, your birth altar can then become your postpartum altar. You might change a few things up, add some new momentos, but keeping your altar for however long you choose to - for some women it's the first 40 days, for others the fourth trimester, or it may even continue on and become a seasonal altar.
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We acknowledge and give great thanks to our ancestors, guides, and teachers, and to all of the powerful women who have come before us, and are yet to come. And to Mother Earth for always holding us. Deep gratitude.
Are you ready to reconnect with your body, awaken your innate wisdom, and deepen your connection to the wisdom of the cycles? Join our sacred circle here!
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