Yoni Steaming for Womb Health

March 13, 2022

Yoni Steaming Hand png from pngtree.com/

What is Yoni Steaming?

Yoni steaming (vaginal steaming, pelvic steaming, v-steaming) is a gentle and nourishing practice that involves sitting over the warm steam from a bowl of therapeutic herbs, allowing the oils from the herbs to permeate the tissues of the the labia and vagina,  increasing blood flow and encouraging a natural healing and detox.

The word Yoni means vagina, or ‘sacred temple’ in Sanskrit.

Where did it Originate From?

Although Yoni Steaming has gained popularity over recent years, it's an ancient practice that's been used by women across many indigenous cultures for centuries.

Back before the Patriarchial societies came into power, and the industrialised medical systems took over, traditional women's wisdom was revered and openly passed on through each generation.

Since then, ancient feminine wisdom practices have become less 'credited' and passed on more in the shadows. This is beginning to change!

What are the Benefits of Yoni Steaming?

There are many benefits to yoni steaming (although you will see articles trying to discredit it...because, women taking ownership of their own bodies and wellbeing still doesn't sit well with the Patriarchial system).

Yoni steaming works on both the physical, and emotional level. Here are some of the benefits:

  • soothe painful periods
  • reduce bloating and cramps associated with menstruation
  • regulate your menstrual cycle
  • re-connect you with your sacred womb space
  • support fertility and conception
  • tone and restore vaginal tissues post-birth
  • reduce polyps, cysts or fibroids
  • ease the symptoms of peri-menopause/menopause
  • remove toxins from the body and the womb
  • support general vaginal health and wellbeing
  • enhance connection to your sexual identity
  • assist in releasing unresolved trauma, stress and stagnation
  • reconnect you to your womb space, your creativity and your feminine intuition
What is yoni steaming

Who is Yoni Steaming for?

Yoni steam is beneficial for women at all stages of their feminine journey - maiden, mother, maga and crone.

There are times when steaming isn't recommended, some of which include: during pregnancy, when you're menstruating, bleeding postpartum, or if you are in the second part of your cycle when trying to conceive.

Yoni steaming is a beautiful, relaxing ritual that can become a nurturing part of your self care practice.

What do I need to get started?

There is not much that you need to get started with Yoni Steaming.

Although you can purchase (or make) a yoni steaming box or stool, you can also steam at home without any special seats.

You will need:

  • a large pot
  • a ceramic crock pot or casserole type bowl
  • your choice of steaming herbs
  • water (preferably purified or filtered)
  • a towel, blanket or cape to wrap around your body to keep the warmth of the steam in
  • a bolster or pillows to lean on (if not using a yoni stool or seat)
  • a yoni stool or seat (optional)

You can view our range of Yoni Steaming Blends here. Each blend comes directions on how you can get started steaming at home.

Sacred Feminine Collective

We acknowledge and give great thanks to our ancestors, guides, and teachers, and to all of the powerful women who have come before us, and are yet to come. And to Mother Earth for always holding us. Deep gratitude.

Are you ready to reconnect with your body, awaken your innate wisdom, and deepen your connection to the wisdom of the cycles? Join our sacred circle here!

Let's connect

Phone: 0403 006 723
Email: [email protected]